

Jean Toomer

Mr. Barry Character Analysis

Mr. Barry is a Black performer with achondroplasia, who boxes with other performers on stage at the theater which Muriel, Bernice, Dan Moore, and the old man with corns attend. Having won the boxing match, Mr. Barry sings a sentimental love song and offers a white rose to Muriel, enraging the jealous and paranoid Dan.
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Mr. Barry Character Timeline in Cane

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Barry appears in Cane. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
25. Box Seat
On the stage, two little people are boxing. Dan suspects one ( Mr. Barry ) of them of trying to impress Muriel. Dan wishes he could force Muriel into... (full context)
The boxing ends and for an encore, Mr. Barry comes out and sings a love song. He holds a rose and a mirror, and... (full context)
Dan looks at Mr. Barry ’s face—a face he sees as hideous—imagines Mr. Barry telling Muriel that he was made... (full context)