

Jean Toomer

Old Man with Corns Character Analysis

The old man with corns is another patron of the theater which Dan Moore, Muriel, and Bernice attend. Dan steps on the old man’s feet when he’s making his way to his seat and further antagonizes the old man by fidgeting and muttering during the performance. The two end up in a physical altercation over it.
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Old Man with Corns Character Timeline in Cane

The timeline below shows where the character Old Man with Corns appears in Cane. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
25. Box Seat
Dan squeezes past other patrons, including an old man with corns , to take his seat. He’s repulsed by the people around him and he longs... (full context)
...for stopping him. A new round of boxing begins. Dan begins to imagine that the old man with corns was probably born before the end of slavery. He might even have been born enslaved... (full context)
...ONCE A LEPER,” Dan springs to his feet and stepping on the foot of the old man with corns . The man shoves him. Dan suggests that they take their fight outside and the... (full context)