

Jean Toomer

Stella Character Analysis

Stella is a multiracial woman and acquaintance of Cora, Ralph Kabnis, Fred Halsey, and others. By implication, Stella is either a sex worker or a woman willing to engage in casual sex. She has a sexual relationship of some sort with Halsey. Stella hasn’t had an easy life and people have taken advantage of her, but she refuses to let Lewis or Father John or anyone else make her feel bad about it.

Stella Quotes in Cane

The Cane quotes below are all either spoken by Stella or refer to Stella. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
29. Kabnis Quotes

Their meeting is a swift sun-burst. Lewis impulsively moves towards her. His mind flashes images of her life in the southern town. He sees the nascent woman, her flesh already stiffening to cartilage, drying to bone. Her spirit-bloom, even now touched sullen, bitter. Her rich beauty fading…He wants to— He stretches forth his hands to hers. He takes them. They feel like warm cheeks against his palms. The sun-burst from her eyes floods up and haloes him. Christ-eyes, his eyes look to her. Fearlessly she loves into them. Sand then something happens. Her face blanches. Awkwardly she draws away. The sin-bogies of respectable southern colored folks clamor at her: “Look out! Be a good girl. A good girl. Look out!”

Related Characters: Karintha , Carma , Fern , Avey , Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Fred Halsey , Carrie K. , Stella, Cora
Page Number: 138
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Stella Quotes in Cane

The Cane quotes below are all either spoken by Stella or refer to Stella. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
29. Kabnis Quotes

Their meeting is a swift sun-burst. Lewis impulsively moves towards her. His mind flashes images of her life in the southern town. He sees the nascent woman, her flesh already stiffening to cartilage, drying to bone. Her spirit-bloom, even now touched sullen, bitter. Her rich beauty fading…He wants to— He stretches forth his hands to hers. He takes them. They feel like warm cheeks against his palms. The sun-burst from her eyes floods up and haloes him. Christ-eyes, his eyes look to her. Fearlessly she loves into them. Sand then something happens. Her face blanches. Awkwardly she draws away. The sin-bogies of respectable southern colored folks clamor at her: “Look out! Be a good girl. A good girl. Look out!”

Related Characters: Karintha , Carma , Fern , Avey , Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Fred Halsey , Carrie K. , Stella, Cora
Page Number: 138
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