

Isabel Wilkerson

Nuremberg Laws Term Analysis

The Nuremberg Laws, enacted in Nazi Germany in 1935, were antisemitic and racist laws created to protect the “purity” of the manufactured Aryan race in the Third Reich. They outlawed intermarriage between Aryans and Jews and declared that only Germans were considered citizens under the Third Reich. In this way, the laws paved the way for an exponential increase in violence against Jews and other minority ethnic groups, like Sinti, Roma, and Black Germans. The Nuremberg Laws were modeled in large part on American Jim Crow laws—but in some cases, even the Nazis felt that Americans’ definitions of what constituted a Black person were too extreme for their purposes. (For instance, some Americans believed that “‘an American man or woman who has even has even a drop of Negro blood in their veins’ counted as blacks.”) As the Third Reich progressed, the higher-ups within the Nazi Party continually created addendums to the laws that further marginalized Jewish people throughout Germany and the Reich’s occupied territories.

Nuremberg Laws Quotes in Caste

The Caste quotes below are all either spoken by Nuremberg Laws or refer to Nuremberg Laws. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

The Nazis needed no outsiders to plant the seeds of hatred within them. But in the early years of the regime, when they still had a stake in the appearance of legitimacy and the hope of foreign investment, they were seeking legal prototypes for the caste system they were building. They were looking to move quickly with their plans for racial separation and purity, and knew that the United States was centuries ahead of them with its anti-miscegenation statutes and race-based immigration bans.

Related Characters: Isabel Wilkerson (speaker), Adolf Hitler
Page Number: 79
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Nuremberg Laws Term Timeline in Caste

The timeline below shows where the term Nuremberg Laws appears in Caste. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Eight: The Nazis and the Acceleration of Caste
In the late spring of 1934, a committee of Nazi bureaucrats met to draft the Nuremberg Laws —a legal framework for the Aryan nation they hoped to create. In order to do... (full context)
...and preventing intermarriage between the two groups. Some in attendance at the drafting of the Nuremberg Laws suggested making intermarriage punishable by law, as the Americans had; others insisted that doing so... (full context)