

Isabel Wilkerson

Post-Racialism Term Analysis

Post-racialism is the theory that categories of race are no longer relevant, and that racial discrimination no longer exists. Some people believe that Barack Obama’s presidency signaled a post-racial United States. Wilkerson, however, points out that the majority of white Americans didn’t vote for Obama—and many people resented the fact that a Black man was president of the United States.
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Post-Racialism Term Timeline in Caste

The timeline below shows where the term Post-Racialism appears in Caste. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter One: The Afterlife of Pathogens from the lower, or subordinate, caste—caused some people to declare the arrival of a post-racial world. But it caused others—members of the dominant caste—to fear that there was no more... (full context)
Chapter Six: The Measure of Humanity
...factor in so many social interactions that one might not even perceive their own casteism. Post-racialism is still a faraway dream precisely because of caste’s invisibility—and in order to end this... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Change in the Script
...was willing to accept. After his inauguration, Americans began telling themselves that U.S. society was post-racial—but this ignored the fact that the majority of white Americans did not vote for him. (full context)