Celia, a Slave


Melton McLaurin

John Jameson Character Analysis

John Jameson is a successful lawyer and well-liked resident of Callaway County, Missouri, and in 1855 he’s appointed to defend Celia from the charge of homicide. As with many of the other main characters in the book, McLaurin gives little information about Jameson’s personality and character. However, it’s clear that Jameson, while not a genius by any means, is an energetic and hard-working man, with a good instinct for character and a knack for influencing others. Jameson is also, considering his contribution to Celia’s trial, an unusually moral person. Though many in the community believe that Celia is unambiguously guilty and evil, Jameson goes far beyond his duties as Celia’s lawyer and presents a brilliant defense of her actions that cuts through the contradictions and hypocrisies of antebellum slave society.

John Jameson Quotes in Celia, a Slave

The Celia, a Slave quotes below are all either spoken by John Jameson or refer to John Jameson. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Historical Silence Theme Icon
Chapter 5 Quotes

[John Jameson’s] serious interest in religion raised the possibility that he might decide to mount something beyond the usual defense on behalf of a client, who, though a slave, appeared to be morally, if not legally, innocent of the crime with which she was charged.

Related Characters: Celia, John Jameson
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis:

Jameson's cross-examination quickly established a key element of a planned defense that became fully evident only after all testimony had been heard. He immediately focused on the sexual nature of the relationship between Celia and Newsom, forcing Jones to admit that Celia had told him that Newsom had raped her on the return trip from Audrain County immediately after his purchase of her, that he had continued to demand sexual favors of her throughout the years she resided on the Newsom farm, and that he had fathered her children.

Related Characters: Celia, Robert Newsom, John Jameson, Jefferson Jones
Page Number: 96
Explanation and Analysis:
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John Jameson Quotes in Celia, a Slave

The Celia, a Slave quotes below are all either spoken by John Jameson or refer to John Jameson. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Historical Silence Theme Icon
Chapter 5 Quotes

[John Jameson’s] serious interest in religion raised the possibility that he might decide to mount something beyond the usual defense on behalf of a client, who, though a slave, appeared to be morally, if not legally, innocent of the crime with which she was charged.

Related Characters: Celia, John Jameson
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis:

Jameson's cross-examination quickly established a key element of a planned defense that became fully evident only after all testimony had been heard. He immediately focused on the sexual nature of the relationship between Celia and Newsom, forcing Jones to admit that Celia had told him that Newsom had raped her on the return trip from Audrain County immediately after his purchase of her, that he had continued to demand sexual favors of her throughout the years she resided on the Newsom farm, and that he had fathered her children.

Related Characters: Celia, Robert Newsom, John Jameson, Jefferson Jones
Page Number: 96
Explanation and Analysis: