Changes in the Land


William Cronon

John Locke Character Analysis

Locke was a 17th-century English philosopher who was a key figure in the Enlightenment and the “Father of Liberalism.” In his book Two Treaties of Government, he compared indigenous and European ways of life and concluded that indigenous people did not have a right to their land because they supposedly did not cultivate it properly.
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John Locke Character Timeline in Changes in the Land

The timeline below shows where the character John Locke appears in Changes in the Land. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4: Bounding the Land
Natural vs. Unnatural Change Theme Icon
Property Ownership, Commodities, and Profit Theme Icon
Colonization and the Limits of Understanding Theme Icon
Human vs. Environmental History Theme Icon
In Two Treatises of Government, John Locke compares indigenous people’s way of life to that of Europeans. He points out that Native... (full context)
Natural vs. Unnatural Change Theme Icon
Systems and Interdependence Theme Icon
Property Ownership, Commodities, and Profit Theme Icon
Colonization and the Limits of Understanding Theme Icon
Human vs. Environmental History Theme Icon
Locke argued that Native people had not properly cultivated the land because they were not motivated... (full context)