Chike’s School Days


Chinua Achebe

An English Christian missionary who works in the village, Mr. Brown isn’t as appealing to the people for his religious teachings. Rather, they are interested in him due to the clinical dispensary he runs. Like the diviner, then, Mr. Brown exemplifies a figure of power and leadership whose authority may be unearned. At the very least, Mr. Brown’s authority isn’t fully respected—it seems that at the time the story takes place, most of the villagers have resisted converting to Christianity and still practice their traditional Igbo religion. Amos and Sarah, are exceptions to this, however. Using Christian teachings, Mr. Brown convinces Amos to marry Sarah in spite of her low social standing, and the couple goes on to raise Chike and their five other children as Christians.

Mr. Brown Quotes in Chike’s School Days

The Chike’s School Days quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Brown or refer to Mr. Brown. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Colonialism as a Form of Violence  Theme Icon
Chike’s School Days Quotes

The only person who supported Amos in his mad marriage venture was Mr. Brown, the white missionary, who lived in a thatch-roofed, red-earth-walled parsonage and was highly respected by the people, not because of his sermons, but because of a dispensary he ran in one of his rooms.

Related Characters: Amos, Sarah, Mr. Brown
Page Number: 38
Explanation and Analysis:

The diviner was a man of great power and wisdom.

Related Characters: Amos, Sarah, Elizabeth, The Diviner, Mr. Brown
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mr. Brown Quotes in Chike’s School Days

The Chike’s School Days quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Brown or refer to Mr. Brown. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Colonialism as a Form of Violence  Theme Icon
Chike’s School Days Quotes

The only person who supported Amos in his mad marriage venture was Mr. Brown, the white missionary, who lived in a thatch-roofed, red-earth-walled parsonage and was highly respected by the people, not because of his sermons, but because of a dispensary he ran in one of his rooms.

Related Characters: Amos, Sarah, Mr. Brown
Page Number: 38
Explanation and Analysis:

The diviner was a man of great power and wisdom.

Related Characters: Amos, Sarah, Elizabeth, The Diviner, Mr. Brown
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis: