Copper Sun


Sharon Draper

Besa Character Analysis

Besa is Amari’s fiancé. He’s handsome and kind, and he’s an assistant to the village drummer. They’ve been engaged for about a year when the novel begins, and Amari is looking forward to her future with Besa. Though Besa survives the massacre and the raid on their village, the limited contact that Amari has with him between their abduction and being sold in Charles Town reveals that Besa’s spirit begins to break early. He refuses to look at Amari out of shame at not being able to protect her, though he asks her to always think of him when she looks at the stars. Though Amari believes she’ll never see him again after the slave auction, she’s surprised and shocked when she finds him on Fiona O’Reilly’s farm. By the time they meet there, Besa has had five owners and has tried to run away several times. One of his eyes and many of his teeth are missing, and it’s clear he’s been beaten and physically abused in myriad ways. He shares that simply existing is painful for him, both emotionally and physically, and he no longer sees the point in hoping for better. Amari recognizes that Besa’s spirit is broken and leaves him on the farm when he refuses to come with her and Polly.

Besa Quotes in Copper Sun

The Copper Sun quotes below are all either spoken by Besa or refer to Besa. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Besa said that a band of unusual-looking strangers are coming this way, Mother,” Amari informed her. “He seemed uneasy and went to tell the village elders.”

“We must welcome our guests, then, Amari. We would never judge people simply by how they looked—that would be uncivilized,” her mother told her. “Let us prepare for a celebration.”

Related Characters: Amari (speaker), Amari’s Mother (speaker), Besa, Esi
Page Number: 5
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Besa Quotes in Copper Sun

The Copper Sun quotes below are all either spoken by Besa or refer to Besa. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Besa said that a band of unusual-looking strangers are coming this way, Mother,” Amari informed her. “He seemed uneasy and went to tell the village elders.”

“We must welcome our guests, then, Amari. We would never judge people simply by how they looked—that would be uncivilized,” her mother told her. “Let us prepare for a celebration.”

Related Characters: Amari (speaker), Amari’s Mother (speaker), Besa, Esi
Page Number: 5
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