Deacon King Kong


James McBride

Melissa Character Analysis

Melissa is the daughter of the Governor. She is a plump woman who is reserved, yet caring and trustworthy when it counts. She is the boss of the bagel shop the Governor owns, and everyone who works there likes and respects her. Over the course of the novel, Melissa falls in love with Elefante, and the two of them eventually marry.

Melissa Quotes in Deacon King Kong

The Deacon King Kong quotes below are all either spoken by Melissa or refer to Melissa. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 25: Do Quotes

Until then he’d always believed a partner brought worry, fear, and weakness to a man, especially one in his business. But Melissa brought courage and humility and humor to places he’d never known existed. He’d never partnered with a woman before, if you didn’t include his mother, but Melissa’s quiet sincerity was a weapon of a new kind. It drew people in, disarmed them. It made them friends—and that was a weapon too.

Related Characters: Sportcoat, Tommy Elefante, Melissa
Page Number: 342-343
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Melissa Quotes in Deacon King Kong

The Deacon King Kong quotes below are all either spoken by Melissa or refer to Melissa. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 25: Do Quotes

Until then he’d always believed a partner brought worry, fear, and weakness to a man, especially one in his business. But Melissa brought courage and humility and humor to places he’d never known existed. He’d never partnered with a woman before, if you didn’t include his mother, but Melissa’s quiet sincerity was a weapon of a new kind. It drew people in, disarmed them. It made them friends—and that was a weapon too.

Related Characters: Sportcoat, Tommy Elefante, Melissa
Page Number: 342-343
Explanation and Analysis:
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