Deacon King Kong


James McBride

The Governor Character Analysis

The Governor is an old friend of Mr. Elefante. He comes to Elefante and tells him about the Venus of Willendorf, a rare object that could make the two of them rich. The Governor is a spirited old man who likes to sing and spend time with his family. He desires the Venus because he believes it will provide him and his family with safety and financial security. Additionally, the Governor is pleased by the budding relationship between his daughter, Melissa, and Elefante.

The Governor Quotes in Deacon King Kong

The Deacon King Kong quotes below are all either spoken by The Governor or refer to The Governor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 13: The Country Girl Quotes

He scanned the East River, checking the line of barges moving along. Some of them he knew. A few were run by honest captains who refused hot items. They wouldn’t move a stolen tire if you paid them a thousand bucks. Others were captained by blithering idiots who would kick their scruples out the window for the price of a cup of coffee. The first type were honest to a fault. They just couldn’t help it. The second type were born crooks.

Which one am I? he wondered.

Related Characters: Tommy Elefante (speaker), The Governor, Joe Peck
Page Number: 179-180
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The Governor Quotes in Deacon King Kong

The Deacon King Kong quotes below are all either spoken by The Governor or refer to The Governor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 13: The Country Girl Quotes

He scanned the East River, checking the line of barges moving along. Some of them he knew. A few were run by honest captains who refused hot items. They wouldn’t move a stolen tire if you paid them a thousand bucks. Others were captained by blithering idiots who would kick their scruples out the window for the price of a cup of coffee. The first type were honest to a fault. They just couldn’t help it. The second type were born crooks.

Which one am I? he wondered.

Related Characters: Tommy Elefante (speaker), The Governor, Joe Peck
Page Number: 179-180
Explanation and Analysis:
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