Deacon King Kong


James McBride

Sister Paul Character Analysis

Sister Paul is one of the founding members of the Five Ends Church, as well as the oldest. She is the only living person who knows the location of the Venus of Willendorf, which she eventually shares with Elefante. Despite her age, Sister Paul is still mentally sharp and demands respect from those who come to see her.
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Sister Paul Character Timeline in Deacon King Kong

The timeline below shows where the character Sister Paul appears in Deacon King Kong. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8: The Dig
...Sportcoat tells Rufus about his plight, and Rufus suggests that he pay a visit to Sister Paul , who was previously responsible for the Christmas fund and might know where it is... (full context)
Chapter 20: Plant Man
...Christmas money may be hidden in the church. Newly motivated, Sportcoat decides to finally pay Sister Paul a visit. (full context)
Chapter 24: Sister Paul
Finally, Sportcoat makes his way to the nursing home to visit Sister Paul . When he arrives at the nursing home, he is in rough shape. Because he... (full context)
Sportcoat goes to Sister Paul ’s room, and she tells him about the relationship between the Elefantes and the Five... (full context)
At first, Sister Paul was reluctant to help a man who was clearly a criminal. However, she eventually decided... (full context)
Chapter 25: Do
While on their way to Sportcoat, Elefante thinks about a recent visit he paid to Sister Paul after Sportcoat insisted that they meet. At first, Sister Paul did not like Elefante—she thought... (full context)
Sister Paul told Melissa and Elefante about her life and the events surrounding the construction of the... (full context)
Chapter 26: Beautiful
...the funeral), and Elefante himself shows up for Sportcoat’s funeral, as do Potts and even Sister Paul . Included in Elefante’s renovations is a marvelous painting of a Black Jesus, which adorns... (full context)