Deacon King Kong


James McBride

Macy is the Governor’s brother. He has a love of fine art. While fighting in World War II, he finds a lot of valuable artifacts in Italy, which he ships home to himself. At the end of his life, Macy sends most of the artifacts back to Italy, where they belong. The one exception is the Venus of Willendorf, which the Governor and Elefante conspire to find, hoping to strike it rich.
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Macy Character Timeline in Deacon King Kong

The timeline below shows where the character Macy appears in Deacon King Kong. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 13: The Country Girl
The Governor tells Elefante the story of the Venus of Willendorf. Apparently, the Governor’s brother, Macy, served in Vienna during the World War II. While there, he found a variety of... (full context)
Although Macy returned most of the artifacts to Vienna, there was one he could not let go... (full context)