Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Phillip Gwynne's Deadly, Unna?. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Deadly, Unna?: Introduction
Deadly, Unna?: Plot Summary
Deadly, Unna?: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Deadly, Unna?: Themes
Deadly, Unna?: Quotes
Deadly, Unna?: Characters
Deadly, Unna?: Symbols
Deadly, Unna?: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Phillip Gwynne

Historical Context of Deadly, Unna?
Other Books Related to Deadly, Unna?
- Full Title: Deadly, Unna?
- When Written: 1998
- Where Written: Australia
- When Published: August 30, 1998
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Young Adult Fiction
- Setting: The Port, a fictional small town in rural Australia
- Climax: Blacky and his siblings’ fight with their father over the graffiti
- Antagonist: The Port’s pervasive racism; Bob Black
- Point of View: First-person
Extra Credit for Deadly, Unna?
Australian Rules. The film version of Deadly, Unna?, titled Australian Rules, opened in 2002 to critical acclaim and several awards. However, the movie was criticized by aboriginal activists for its alleged appropriation of aboriginal culture and sensitivity issues over the real-life events upon which the book is based.
Footy. Australian rules football, also known as “Aussie rules” or “footy,” the sport played by the characters of Deadly, Unna?, began in Australia in the 1850s. The sport has since grown in popularity in Australia and across the world. Today, there are over 1,400,000 registered players worldwide.