Deadly, Unna?


Phillip Gwynne

Slogs is the town butcher. He often hangs out at the pub with Blacky’s father. He laughs the loudest out of all the pub patrons when Big Mac tells a racist joke. Towards the end of the novel, Blacky realizes that Slogs is the one who wrote the racist graffiti on the jetty. This realization is key to Blacky’s growing awareness of the commonplace and deadly racism prevalent in his town. While knowing Slogs’s responsibility initially makes Blacky feel hopeless to fight racism, the knowledge eventually drives Blacky toward the important act of painting over the graffiti.

Slogs Kneebone Quotes in Deadly, Unna?

The Deadly, Unna? quotes below are all either spoken by Slogs Kneebone or refer to Slogs Kneebone . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 22 Quotes

‘He’s a character ain’t he, that Tommy Red?’ said the old man, when he’d gone.

‘He sure is,’ said Slogs. ‘Pity there’s not more like him out there.’

‘Hey,’ said Big Mac. ‘Did ya hear the one about the boong and the priest?’

Related Characters: Bob “The Old Man” Black (speaker), Slogs Kneebone (speaker), Victor “Big Mac” McRae (speaker), Tommy Red
Page Number: 161
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And they all laughed, all the regulars. Especially Slogsy. But I didn’t. I don’t know why, I’d laughed at the joke before. But tonight it didn’t seem so funny any more. And I knew it had to do with Dumby and Clarence and Tommy.

Related Characters: Gary “Blacky” Black (speaker), Dumby Red, Slogs Kneebone , Clarence, Tommy Red
Page Number: 161
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Slogs Kneebone Quotes in Deadly, Unna?

The Deadly, Unna? quotes below are all either spoken by Slogs Kneebone or refer to Slogs Kneebone . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 22 Quotes

‘He’s a character ain’t he, that Tommy Red?’ said the old man, when he’d gone.

‘He sure is,’ said Slogs. ‘Pity there’s not more like him out there.’

‘Hey,’ said Big Mac. ‘Did ya hear the one about the boong and the priest?’

Related Characters: Bob “The Old Man” Black (speaker), Slogs Kneebone (speaker), Victor “Big Mac” McRae (speaker), Tommy Red
Page Number: 161
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And they all laughed, all the regulars. Especially Slogsy. But I didn’t. I don’t know why, I’d laughed at the joke before. But tonight it didn’t seem so funny any more. And I knew it had to do with Dumby and Clarence and Tommy.

Related Characters: Gary “Blacky” Black (speaker), Dumby Red, Slogs Kneebone , Clarence, Tommy Red
Page Number: 161
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