Demon Copperhead


Barbara Kingsolver

Demon Copperhead: Chapter 60 Summary & Analysis

Demon packs his things that same afternoon. He wakes Maggot up to tell him he’s leaving. When Maggot asks where he’s going, Demon says he’s not sure yet. He gets into his car and starts driving without knowing where he’s going. He pulls off the highway. When he sees a sign for Sand Cave, he decides to hike up to the cave, thinking walking might help. While he’s walking, Demon thinks about the recent offer Angus received to go to “real college” in Nashville. He tries to find it in himself to be happy for her. He then settles down to sleep on the trail. If he makes it until morning, he decides he’ll take June up on her offer to go to rehab.
Demon has reached an inflection point in his life. He doesn't know what he should do, only that he can’t keep living the same way he has been. Fortunately, he still has a community willing to help, including June. The novel suggests that Demon has strong bonds with other people and has helped form a community because, despite his faults and struggles, he is always willing to be there for the people he cares about.
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