Demon Copperhead


Barbara Kingsolver

Vester Character Analysis

Vester is Dori’s father. When he is undergoing treatment for cancer, Dori takes his leftover prescription painkillers and sells them so she can buy herself more opioids and other drugs she prefers. Vester dies while Demon and Dori are dating, and Demon is not sure that Dori will ever recover from his death. Demon’s prediction proves heartbreakingly accurate, as Dori dies of an overdose not long after Vester’s death.
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Vester Character Timeline in Demon Copperhead

The timeline below shows where the character Vester appears in Demon Copperhead. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 40
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
The Farm Supply store has an end-of-summer sale each year. The store’s former manager, Vester Spencer, comes with his daughter, Dori, and Demon falls for her as soon as he... (full context)
Chapter 44
Exploitation Theme Icon
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Toxic Masculinity Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...The two of them spend most of their time together taking care of Dori’s dad, Vester. To have some time away from Dori’s house and her dad, Demon takes her to... (full context)
Exploitation Theme Icon
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Toxic Masculinity Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
...spend more time with Dori. One day, when Demon is in Walgreens to pick up Vester’s prescriptions, he runs into Tommy. Tommy tells him he’s doing layout in the newspaper and... (full context)
Chapter 47
Exploitation Theme Icon
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
Vester dies that winter. Dori doesn’t seem like she’ll ever get over this death. She worries... (full context)
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
After Vester dies, Demon can’t bring himself to leave Dori at the end of each day, even... (full context)
Chapter 56
Exploitation Theme Icon
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
In April, not quite a year after Vester died, Demon comes home and finds Dori’s body. She has died from an overdose. Angus... (full context)