J. Prometheus Birdsong Quotes in Desert Solitaire
With his help I discovered that I was not opposed to mankind but only to mancenteredness, anthropocentricity, the opinion that the world exists solely for the sake of man […]
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Get LitCharts A+Heidegger was wrong, as usual; man is not the only living thing that exists. He might well have taken a tip from a fellow countryman: Wovon man nicht sprachen Kann, darueber muss man schweigen.

J. Prometheus Birdsong Quotes in Desert Solitaire
With his help I discovered that I was not opposed to mankind but only to mancenteredness, anthropocentricity, the opinion that the world exists solely for the sake of man […]
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Get LitCharts A+Heidegger was wrong, as usual; man is not the only living thing that exists. He might well have taken a tip from a fellow countryman: Wovon man nicht sprachen Kann, darueber muss man schweigen.