Desert Solitaire


Edward Abbey

J. Prometheus Birdsong Character Analysis

Birdsong is an anonymous man who appears at Abbey’s campsite one evening and engages Abbey in a debate on several big topics, including humanity’s relationship to nature and the difference between culture and civilization. Though they disagree sharply over the inherent good of medicine, this man helps articulate Abbey’s essential stance that, while humans are not exactly inferior to nature, it’s a mistake to believe that they are superior. With Birdsong’s help, Abbey calls the opposing view “anthropocentricity,” or human-centeredness, a view he argues against as he communes with animals and the environment and as he deplores humanity’s arrogant destruction of Earth. The man’s pseudonym—recorded in the park’s visitor book—invokes the Greek hero Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to benefit humans. His choice of name echoes Prometheus’s belief in humanity’s superiority.

J. Prometheus Birdsong Quotes in Desert Solitaire

The Desert Solitaire quotes below are all either spoken by J. Prometheus Birdsong or refer to J. Prometheus Birdsong. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Episodes and Visions Quotes

With his help I discovered that I was not opposed to mankind but only to mancenteredness, anthropocentricity, the opinion that the world exists solely for the sake of man […]

Related Characters: Edward Abbey (speaker), J. Prometheus Birdsong
Page Number: 244
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Heidegger was wrong, as usual; man is not the only living thing that exists. He might well have taken a tip from a fellow countryman: Wovon man nicht sprachen Kann, darueber muss man schweigen.

Related Characters: Edward Abbey (speaker), J. Prometheus Birdsong
Page Number: 248
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J. Prometheus Birdsong Quotes in Desert Solitaire

The Desert Solitaire quotes below are all either spoken by J. Prometheus Birdsong or refer to J. Prometheus Birdsong. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Episodes and Visions Quotes

With his help I discovered that I was not opposed to mankind but only to mancenteredness, anthropocentricity, the opinion that the world exists solely for the sake of man […]

Related Characters: Edward Abbey (speaker), J. Prometheus Birdsong
Page Number: 244
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Heidegger was wrong, as usual; man is not the only living thing that exists. He might well have taken a tip from a fellow countryman: Wovon man nicht sprachen Kann, darueber muss man schweigen.

Related Characters: Edward Abbey (speaker), J. Prometheus Birdsong
Page Number: 248
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