Desert Solitaire


Edward Abbey

The Nazi is a German tourist who appears at Abbey’s trailer one night to try to convince him of Hitler’s righteousness. Abbey get so angry that he want to kill the man, but in considering that the Nazi hasn’t yet enjoyed the desert’s sights, Abbey lets the man go in peaceful disagreement. Abbey’s tolerance of the Nazi is an important piece of evidence in his argument that nature can have a peacemaking effect on people and is essential to coexistence in society.
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The Nazi Character Timeline in Desert Solitaire

The timeline below shows where the character The Nazi appears in Desert Solitaire. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Bedrock and Paradox
...defending Hitler’s actions in World War II. America should have sided with the Germans, the Nazi says. Defending America—something he rarely does—Abbey grows angry enough to want to kill the man.... (full context)