Don’t Call Me Ishmael


Michael Gerard Bauer

The Year Ten Kid/Jeremy Gainsborough Character Analysis

The “Year Ten kid,” Jeremy, is unwillingly roped into Barry’s scheme to frighten Scobie by filling his desk with insects and spiders. Jeremy won an award several years ago for an exhibit on insects, so he supplies Barry and his crew with the necessary bugs. He gets in trouble too when Mr. Barker finds the culprits, though Scobie doesn’t hold it against him. Indeed, after Jeremy apologizes to Scobie for his involvement, Scobie presents Jeremy with a new, massive stick insect.
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The Year Ten Kid/Jeremy Gainsborough Character Timeline in Don’t Call Me Ishmael

The timeline below shows where the character The Year Ten Kid/Jeremy Gainsborough appears in Don’t Call Me Ishmael. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 16
Bullying and Courage Theme Icon
...Barry huddling with Danny, Doug, and a boy from Year Ten—which is odd, since the Year Ten boy is brainy and not a sadist. Over the next few weeks, though, the Year Ten... (full context)
Chapter 18
Identity and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Bullying and Courage Theme Icon
Friendship Theme Icon
...tanks. He’s banned from sports for two Saturdays and gets detention for a week. The Year Ten boy , Jeremy Gainsborough, is punished too. He apologizes to Scobie—and a week later, Scobie gives... (full context)