LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Dune, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
Power and Violence
Free Will and Fate
Environment and Human Culture
Human Cognitive Advances
This appendix details selected excerpts about the noble Houses of Dune. The first entry discusses the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV of House Corrino. His rule is most significant for the “Arrakis Revolt,” which historians ascribe to his poor court politics. The Emperor’s wife died some years earlier, and he has five daughters and no sons.
The Great Houses are essential to the events of Dune because they create the political structure that controls the Imperium. The Padishah Emperor’s poor political strategy and lack of sons means that the Corrino line of male heirs ends when Paul defeats him. However, the Corrino daughters are able to continue the genetic bloodline.
The next entries discuss three members of House Atreides. Firstly, Duke Leto Atreides (also known as the “Red Duke”) successfully ruled his ancestral planet Caladan for twenty years until reassigned to the planet Arrakis. Shortly after moving to the desert planet, he was betrayed by a household member and died at the hands of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Next, Lady Jessica is acknowledged as a member of the Bene Gesserit order, daughter of Baron Harkonnen, and mother of Paul Atreides. Lady Alia Atreides is listed as Paul’s sister, born to Lady Jessica on Arrakis after Duke Leto’s death. The Bene Gesserit call her the “Accursed One” because of her exposure to intense spice levels while in the womb.
The narrator’s extensive detail about House Atreides and House Harkonnen matches with the focus on Paul Atreides and Baron Harkonnen as the respective protagonist and antagonist in Dune.
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is the head of House Harkonnen, which has successfully exploited the whale fur and melange markets to gain prosperity and power despite an ancestor shaming the House to a poor reputation and prospects during the Battle of Corrin. The Baron died during the Arrakis Revolt, with his title passing briefly to nephew Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen.
Baron Harkonnen is clever enough to win back prestige despite the shame his House endures during a historic battle. The Baron relies on deceit and corruption to gain this power.
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A maternal cousin of House Corrin, Count Hasimir Fenring is the Emperor Shaddam IV’s closest companion. His work for the Emperor included duties as an Imperial Agent during the Harkonnen rule on that planet; the Emperor later assigned him to govern Caladan. Count Fenring later joined the Emperor “in retirement on Salusa Secundus.”
Count Fenring is a minor character in Dune’s narrative, but each of his scenes are extremely important—in fact, he is revealed as one of the most powerful characters in the Imperium due to his Mentat and Bene Gesserit skills.
Count Glossu Rabban was the Baron Harkonnen’s eldest nephew—a son of the Baron’s younger half-brother. Count Rabban’s brother was Feyd-Rautha Rabban, who reclaimed the Harkonnen name when selected for the Baron’s household.
Rabban, a minor character in the events of Dune, is best known for his cruel rule as the Harkonnen governor on Arrakis.