


Frank Herbert

Count Glossu Rabban Character Analysis

One of Baron Harkonnen’s nephews, Rabaan ruled Arrakis for House Harkonnen before the events of Dune. When the Harkonnens succeed in overcoming House Atreides and taking command of Arrakis, the Baron reinstates Rabban as ruler. The Baron considers Rabban as less intelligent than his younger brother, Feyd-Rautha. He is known on Arrakis as “the Beast” due to his brutal and sadistic tendencies.
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Count Glossu Rabban Character Timeline in Dune

The timeline below shows where the character Count Glossu Rabban appears in Dune. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 2, Part 4
Baron Harkonnen calls for another one of his nephews, Count Glossu Rabban, to assign him control of Arrakis. The Baron boasts of his successes and intimidates his... (full context)
When Rabban wonders if the Harkonnens have underestimated the power of the Arrakeen Fremen, Baron Harkonnen dismisses... (full context)
Book 2, Part 6
...also confirms that the Harkonnens have captured Hawat. The Baron Harkonnen has put Count Glossu Rabban—known to the Arrakeen populace as “Beast Rabban”—in charge of Arrakis. Halleck starts at this news,... (full context)
Book 3, Part 2
Baron Harkonnen meets with Mentat Thufir Hawat. Hawat wants a message sent to Count Rabban on Arrakis but has not revealed why. The men discuss their suspicion that there is... (full context)
...turn Arrakis into a prison planet that creates powerful military forces by abandoning Arrakis to Rabban’s oppressive leadership for some time without offering aid. Then the Baron, or Feyd-Rautha, can take... (full context)
Book 3, Part 7
Paul has just learned that Baron Harkonnen is withdrawing his support for Count Rabban on Arrakis. In effect this means that the Fremen can attack Rabban without fear of... (full context)
Book 3, Part 10
...know the truth about Thufir Hawat, who has gone missing; the whereabouts of Harkonnen brothers Rabban and Feyd-Rautha; and, most importantly, any information about the powerful Fremen figure Muad’Dib. (full context)
...House Harkonnen to counteract the residual poison they have infected him with. The Baron’s nephews, Rabban and Feyd-Rautha, are currently running a perimeter check. And Baron Harkonnen downplays the Muad’Dib’s authority... (full context)
Book 3, Part 11
...location, such as a desert cavern, but Paul likes the symbolism of his choice. Count Rabban resided in this mansion, therefore Paul’s re-occupation sends a message of victory to the Arrakeen... (full context)
...has asked to meet her son in the conservatory. The Fremen have also found Count Rabban’s dead body. When Paul and Stilgar talk about the planet Caladan’s weather causing water to... (full context)
Appendix IV
Count Glossu Rabban was the Baron Harkonnen’s eldest nephew—a son of the Baron’s younger half-brother. Count Rabban’s brother... (full context)