


Frank Herbert

Shadout Mapes Character Analysis

A Fremen housekeeper for House Atreides in their Arrakeen palace. Mapes is the first Fremen to test Lady Jessica and realize that she is Bene Gesserit. The housekeeper is a stern and honorable individual, warning Paul that there is traitor in House Atreides to repay him for saving her life from a hunter-seeker droid. Dr. Yueh kills Mapes when he betrays the Atreides to the Harkonnens.
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Shadout Mapes Character Timeline in Dune

The timeline below shows where the character Shadout Mapes appears in Dune. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 1, Part 7
...He has employed a number of Fremen servants, including a head housekeeper for Jessica named Shadout Mapes . The Duke has learned that there are Bene Gesserit legends embedded in Fremen culture,... (full context)
Duke Leto leaves and Shadout Mapes approaches Jessica to introduce herself. Jessica quickly realizes that Mapes has been sent to test... (full context)
Book 1, Part 9
...his bed’s headboard. The hunter-seeker tries to kill him, as well as the Fremen housekeeper Shadout Mapes when she enters Paul’s room to summon him to Duke Leto. Paul manages to use... (full context)
Book 1, Part 10
...into the conservatory clutching the hunter-seeker and informs Jessica of the attack as well as Shadout Mapes ’s warning about a traitor. She instructs him to submerge the weapon in water. An... (full context)
Book 1, Part 18
...it, he discovers the smuggler Tuek stabbed to death on the floor. The Atreides housekeeper Shadout Mapes has been stabbed also and is taking her last breaths as she tries to tell... (full context)