


Frank Herbert

A Fremen in Stilgar’s sietch who was married to Jamis. Harah has sons named Kaleff and Orlop, and becomes a member of Paul Atreides’s Fremen household after he kills Jamis in single combat. Harah shows a fierce love for Alia Atreides despite the rest of the Fremen largely fearing the strange girl.
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Harah Character Timeline in Dune

The timeline below shows where the character Harah appears in Dune. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 2, Part 14
...woman dressed in vibrant colors with water rings in her ears. She is Jamis’s wife, Harah, and cannot believe that the youthful Paul killed her husband, leaving their two children fatherless.... (full context)
...two sons. He also receives Jamis’s lodgings, coffee service, and wife. He chooses to accept Harah as his “servant” rather than his “woman” and promises to care for her as long... (full context)
...beautiful in execution. Paul also realizes that Sardaukar are hunting Fremen tribes across the desert; Harah states that the Padishah Emperor’s soldiers will only find empty sietchs and explosives in the... (full context)
Paul continues moving toward his lodgings with Harah. He views a number of Fremen innovations such as weaving, food processing, and stillsuit machinery.... (full context)
Many of the Fremen that Paul passes view him with suspicion, and Harah suggests that he will likely need to prove his fighting abilities again soon. She is... (full context)
...how she will adapt to Fremen culture. Hearing rustling fabrics, he turns to find not Harah with food but two young boys with small crysknives hanging at their belts. He thinks... (full context)
Book 3, Part 4
Alia enters Jessica’s room with Harah, a female member of Paul’s household. Jessica can see that Harah is troubled deeply and... (full context)
Harah tells Jessica that she will not remain in Paul’s household much longer—she has held out... (full context)