Educating Rita


Willy Russell

Tiger (Tyson) Character Analysis

A young student Rita meets on the university lawn. Tiger takes a liking to Rita because of her interesting ideas about literature, and he even invites her to come with him and his friends to the South of France for the holidays. When Rita tells Frank about Tiger, Frank is clearly jealous, immediately telling her that she shouldn’t go on the trip because she has exams—despite the fact that her exams are set to take place before the trip to France. Like Trish, Tiger comes to represent the kind of intellectual that Rita wants so badly to become, and he also embodies Frank’s fear that Rita is going to leave him behind in her pursuit to enter into the elite academic sphere.
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Tiger (Tyson) Character Timeline in Educating Rita

The timeline below shows where the character Tiger (Tyson) appears in Educating Rita. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act Two, Scene Two grading one of Rita’s essays, she tells him that she met a student named Tiger, whose real name is Tyson. Apparently, Tiger was one of the ones having a literary... (full context)
...that she’s falling in love. “All right,” he says, “but please stop burbling on about Mr. Tyson .” He then focuses on grading her essay again, and she asks him how it... (full context)
Act Two, Scene Four
...was a time when you told me everything.” Pouring himself a drink, he asks if Mr. Tyson is one of her customers at the restaurant, where she claims to have conversations that... (full context)
“Look,” Rita says, “for your information I do find Tiger fascinatin’, like I find a lot of the people I mix with fascinating.” With his... (full context)
Act Two, Scene Seven
...Frank asks Rita to come with him to Australia, but she politely declines, explaining that Tiger—who she now recognizes is “a bit of a wanker”—wants her to come to France, and... (full context)