Edward II


Christopher Marlowe

Edmund, Earl of Kent Character Analysis

Kent is Edward II's brother, and thus spends much of the play torn between loyalty to his family and loyalty to England. Kent initially condemns the English nobles for voicing their dissatisfaction with Edward and Gaveston's relationship; in fact, he considers their open opposition to Edward's actions treasonous and urges his brother to have them executed. At the same time, Kent himself is clearly disturbed by the king's decisions and repeatedly tries to steer him toward a more prudent course of action (e.g. avoiding upsetting the Pope by attacking the Bishop of Coventry). As time goes on and it becomes increasingly clear that Gaveston's voice is the only one Edward will listen to, Kent's absolute allegiance to his brother wavers, and he eventually joins the nobles in rebellion—an action he later comes to regret as an unjustifiable betrayal of his own blood. Kent ultimately attempts to return to his brother's side but is arrested and executed by Mortimer and Isabella. Kent is thus a major vehicle for Marlowe to explore issues related to legitimacy and loyalty.

Edmund, Earl of Kent Quotes in Edward II

The Edward II quotes below are all either spoken by Edmund, Earl of Kent or refer to Edmund, Earl of Kent . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Sex, Lineage, and the Natural Order Theme Icon
Act 1, Scene 4 Quotes

Edward: Lay hands on that traitor Mortimer!

Mortimer Senior: Lay hands on that traitor Gaveston!

[The NOBLES draw swords]

Kent: Is this the duty that you owe your King?

Warwick: We know our duties; let him know his peers.

Related Characters: Edward II (speaker), Edmund, Earl of Kent (speaker), Mortimer Senior (speaker), Guy, Earl of Warwick (speaker), Piers Gaveston, Mortimer Junior
Page Number: 1.4.20–23
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 5, Scene 3 Quotes

O, miserable is that commonweal, where lords
Keep courts and kings are locked in prison!

Related Characters: Edmund, Earl of Kent (speaker), Edward II
Page Number: 5.3.63–64
Explanation and Analysis:
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Edmund, Earl of Kent Quotes in Edward II

The Edward II quotes below are all either spoken by Edmund, Earl of Kent or refer to Edmund, Earl of Kent . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Sex, Lineage, and the Natural Order Theme Icon
Act 1, Scene 4 Quotes

Edward: Lay hands on that traitor Mortimer!

Mortimer Senior: Lay hands on that traitor Gaveston!

[The NOBLES draw swords]

Kent: Is this the duty that you owe your King?

Warwick: We know our duties; let him know his peers.

Related Characters: Edward II (speaker), Edmund, Earl of Kent (speaker), Mortimer Senior (speaker), Guy, Earl of Warwick (speaker), Piers Gaveston, Mortimer Junior
Page Number: 1.4.20–23
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 5, Scene 3 Quotes

O, miserable is that commonweal, where lords
Keep courts and kings are locked in prison!

Related Characters: Edmund, Earl of Kent (speaker), Edward II
Page Number: 5.3.63–64
Explanation and Analysis: