Ben Zayb Quotes in El Filibusterismo
“O,” it said, shaking disconsolately, “I loved a young woman, the daughter of a priest, pure as light, as a just-opened lotus flower. The young priest of Abydos coveted her as well and plotted a mutiny using my name and several papyruses I had dedicated to my beloved. The mutiny unfolded just as a furious Cambyses returned from the disasters of his unfortunate campaign. I was branded a rebel and imprisoned. When I was able to escape, during the pursuit I died in Lake Moeris. From eternity I watched as imposture triumphed, I saw as the priest of Abydos pursued the poor virgin day and night, even after she had taken refuge in a temple of Isis on the Island of Philoe. I saw him pursue her and hunt her down even into the caverns, drive her mad from terror and suffering, like a giant bat and a white dove.”
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Ben Zayb Quotes in El Filibusterismo
“O,” it said, shaking disconsolately, “I loved a young woman, the daughter of a priest, pure as light, as a just-opened lotus flower. The young priest of Abydos coveted her as well and plotted a mutiny using my name and several papyruses I had dedicated to my beloved. The mutiny unfolded just as a furious Cambyses returned from the disasters of his unfortunate campaign. I was branded a rebel and imprisoned. When I was able to escape, during the pursuit I died in Lake Moeris. From eternity I watched as imposture triumphed, I saw as the priest of Abydos pursued the poor virgin day and night, even after she had taken refuge in a temple of Isis on the Island of Philoe. I saw him pursue her and hunt her down even into the caverns, drive her mad from terror and suffering, like a giant bat and a white dove.”
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