

Samuel Beckett

Mother Pegg Character Analysis

A woman who never appears on stage, Mother Pegg is somebody whom Clov and Hamm reference several times in the play. According to Clov, Mother Pegg died “of darkness” because Hamm refused to give her oil for her lamp. Hamm, for his part, claims he didn’t have any oil to spare, but Clov doesn’t believe him.
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Mother Pegg Character Timeline in Endgame

The timeline below shows where the character Mother Pegg appears in Endgame. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Meaning, Narrative, and Engagement Theme Icon
Time, Progress, and Stasis Theme Icon
Changing the subject, Hamm asks Clov about a woman named Mother Pegg , wondering if her light is on. This question baffles Clov, who asks how anyone’s... (full context)
Meaning, Narrative, and Engagement Theme Icon
Misery and Suffering Theme Icon
Companionship, Dependency, and Compassion Theme Icon
...After a moment, Clov asks Hamm if he knew what was happening when he told Mother Pegg to go to hell after she came to him asking for oil for her lamp.... (full context)