Ethan Brand


Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Stage Agent Character Analysis

The state agent is a patron of the local tavern who comes with Lawyer Giles, the Village Doctor, and Humphrey to see Ethan Brand’s return. Although he is old and wrinkled, he still dresses well. He spends his time in the bar dispensing his dry humor rather than selling tickets for the stagecoach.

The Stage Agent Quotes in Ethan Brand

The Ethan Brand quotes below are all either spoken by The Stage Agent or refer to The Stage Agent. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Search for Knowledge  Theme Icon
Ethan Brand Quotes

No mind, which has wrought itself by intense and solitary meditation into a high state of enthusiasm, can endure the kind of contact with low and vulgar modes of thought and feeling to which Ethan Brand was now subjected. It made him doubt—and, strange to say, it was a painful doubt—whether he had indeed found the Unpardonable Sin, and found it within himself. The whole question on which he had exhausted life, and more than life, looked like a delusion.

Related Characters: Ethan Brand, Bartram, Lawyer Giles, The Village Doctor, The Stage Agent
Page Number: 383
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The Stage Agent Quotes in Ethan Brand

The Ethan Brand quotes below are all either spoken by The Stage Agent or refer to The Stage Agent. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Search for Knowledge  Theme Icon
Ethan Brand Quotes

No mind, which has wrought itself by intense and solitary meditation into a high state of enthusiasm, can endure the kind of contact with low and vulgar modes of thought and feeling to which Ethan Brand was now subjected. It made him doubt—and, strange to say, it was a painful doubt—whether he had indeed found the Unpardonable Sin, and found it within himself. The whole question on which he had exhausted life, and more than life, looked like a delusion.

Related Characters: Ethan Brand, Bartram, Lawyer Giles, The Village Doctor, The Stage Agent
Page Number: 383
Explanation and Analysis: