Ethan Brand


Nathaniel Hawthorne

Humphrey is a wild and shabby old man, whose daughter Esther disappeared from his home years ago. He now wanders the hills asking travelers if they have seen her or have any news of her. He comes to the kiln with the Stage Agent, the Village Doctor, and Lawyer Giles to ask if Ethan Brand has any word of Esther. He is desperate for news of his daughter, because few reports of her whereabouts come back to him, and he wants her to return.

Humphrey Quotes in Ethan Brand

The Ethan Brand quotes below are all either spoken by Humphrey or refer to Humphrey. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Search for Knowledge  Theme Icon
Ethan Brand Quotes

Ethan Brand’s eye quailed beneath the old man’s. That daughter, from whom he so earnestly desired a word of greeting, was the Esther of our tale, the very girl whom, with such cold and remorseless purpose, Ethan Brand had made the subject of a psychological experiment, and wasted, absorbed, and perhaps annihilated her soul, in the process.

Related Characters: Ethan Brand, Humphrey, Esther
Page Number: 384
Explanation and Analysis:
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Humphrey Quotes in Ethan Brand

The Ethan Brand quotes below are all either spoken by Humphrey or refer to Humphrey. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Search for Knowledge  Theme Icon
Ethan Brand Quotes

Ethan Brand’s eye quailed beneath the old man’s. That daughter, from whom he so earnestly desired a word of greeting, was the Esther of our tale, the very girl whom, with such cold and remorseless purpose, Ethan Brand had made the subject of a psychological experiment, and wasted, absorbed, and perhaps annihilated her soul, in the process.

Related Characters: Ethan Brand, Humphrey, Esther
Page Number: 384
Explanation and Analysis: