

James Joyce

The relationship between Eveline and the children she cares for is never stated, but she is their caretaker and she is in charge of feeding them and making sure they go to school. They seem to have been part of the family since before her mother died and went along on the family picnic, although it is difficult to differentiate if and when the narrator is talking about the children she cares for, and when she is talking about her siblings when they were young.
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The Children Character Timeline in Eveline

The timeline below shows where the character The Children appears in Eveline. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
...will waste it. In addition to keeping the house together, she also cares for two children who have been left in her charge. The life she lives is hard, but now... (full context)
...her father, like when he made her toast when she was sick, and entertained the children on a family picnic. Eveline notices the smell of dusty cretonne again and hears a... (full context)