


M. T. Anderson

Calista Character Analysis

Calista is a pretty young woman and a friend of Titus. During her spring break, she travels to the moon, and later she appears at a party with Titus, Marty, and Link (with whom she’s involved at various points in the novel). Calista is described as being rich, beautiful, and popular. Just as Link is the informal leader of Marty and Titus’s group, Calista seems to be the informal “squad leader” of her friend group (which includes Quendy and Loga). Calista can be rude and even quite cruel—for example, when she mocks Quendy for copying her latest “look.” Calista looks down on the strange, lower-middle-class Violet Durn.

Calista Quotes in Feed

The Feed quotes below are all either spoken by Calista or refer to Calista. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 3: The Real Thing Quotes

"This top is the Watts Riot top."
Violet said, "I can never keep any of the riots straight. Which one was the Watts riot?"
Calista and Loga stopped and looked at her. I could feel them flashing chat.
"Like, a riot," said Calista. "I don't know, Violet. Like, when people start breaking windows and beating each other up, and they have to call in the cops. A riot. You know. Riot?"

Related Characters: Titus (speaker), Violet Durn (speaker), Calista (speaker), Loga
Page Number: 163
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Calista Quotes in Feed

The Feed quotes below are all either spoken by Calista or refer to Calista. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 3: The Real Thing Quotes

"This top is the Watts Riot top."
Violet said, "I can never keep any of the riots straight. Which one was the Watts riot?"
Calista and Loga stopped and looked at her. I could feel them flashing chat.
"Like, a riot," said Calista. "I don't know, Violet. Like, when people start breaking windows and beating each other up, and they have to call in the cops. A riot. You know. Riot?"

Related Characters: Titus (speaker), Violet Durn (speaker), Calista (speaker), Loga
Page Number: 163
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