


M. T. Anderson

Marty is another one of Titus’s friends. An athletic young man who’s good at “any game,” Marty is similar to Link and Titus insofar as he comes from a rich family, doesn’t have to work hard at anything, and spends all his time horsing around, having fun with girls, and getting “mal” (the Feed equivalent of getting high). While Marty doesn’t figure prominently in the second half of the book, it’s implied that he’s generally “second in command” to Link, the informal leader of Titus’s friend group.
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Marty Character Timeline in Feed

The timeline below shows where the character Marty appears in Feed. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1: Your Face is Not An Organ
...book (whose name is later revealed to be Titus) and his friends, Link Arwaker and Marty, are bored (or, as they say, “null”) and have been spending their time shocking themselves... (full context)
Link keeps slamming his seat into Marty’s face. Marty complains that Link is “smashing” his “organs,” but Link ignores him. A waitress... (full context)
Part 1: Impact
Titus, Marty, and Link—along with three female friends, Calista, Loga, and Quendy—find their hotel rooms. Titus is... (full context)
Part 1: The Nose Grid
...to the bathroom to fix their hair to adapt to the new hairstyle while Titus, Marty, and Link hang back. (full context)
Part 1: The Moon is in the House of Boring
The group goes to a bar that Marty thinks might let them drink without IDs, but the bar turns out to have been... (full context)
...minibar. Titus notices that Violet seems bored. The others complain that there’s no alcohol, and Marty suggests that they all “malfunction” instead. Violet becomes even more uncomfortable. Online, Calista tells the... (full context)
Part 3: Undervalued Truffle
The party turns out to be “low-key.” Link and Marty are playing a “zombie-mutant” virtual reality game, bumping into people because they can’t see what’s... (full context)
Part 3: The Others in Mal
...but Titus notices that Violet isn’t laughing. While Titus walks to the bathroom, Link and Marty find him and tell him it’s time to malfunction. Titus hesitates and says, “not tonight”... (full context)
Part 3: Limbo and Prayer
...was cloned from Abraham Lincoln. As he chats this, Titus watches Link goofing around the Marty. (full context)
Part 3: Our Duty to the Party
...Quendy kisses him on the mouth—Link is too afraid of her lesions to push back. Marty chats Titus that Quendy looks great, but Titus tells him that her lesions are disgusting. (full context)
Marty spins the bottle, and it points to Violet. Before they kiss, however, Violet bursts out,... (full context)
Part 4: 76.3%
...and his friends play volleyball. Then, Titus suggests that they all get mal. Link and Marty are surprised, but they agree. (full context)
...They download the mal, and suddenly Titus feels like colored bricks are falling down. He, Marty, and Link begin to laugh. They realize they’re now sitting in an ice cream store. (full context)
The three friends go to the mall, and Titus shows Marty and Link the list Violet sent him. Marty asks Titus why he’s not responding to... (full context)
Part 4: Summertime
The school year ends, and Titus goes to one of Jupiter’s moons with Marty and Link. By this time, he’s dating Quendy. (full context)
...on Earth at the end of the summer, Titus goes to lots of fun parties. Marty gets a Nike speech tattoo, meaning that everything he says automatically begins with the word... (full context)