


M. T. Anderson

Still in the hospital, the friends continue to pass the time by blowing needles at the wall. Titus notices that Link and Calista are spending more time together, meaning that they’re probably hooking up again.
Titus’s friends choose to pass the time with sex and violence—seemingly their two main pastimes, and both fairly mindless.
Just then, Violet returns from talking to the doctor, and says that she has to talk to Titus. They find a “huge window” overlooking what was once a garden. A broken pipe appears to be leaking air into the dead vines, making them stand straight up. Titus explains that the vines look like “a squid in love with the sky.” Violet says, “You’re the only one of them that uses metaphor.” They kiss.
Violet is attracted to Titus not just for his looks but because she admires his mind, as evidenced by the fact that she notices that he, unlike any of his friends, uses metaphors to describe the world around him.