Fefu and Her Friends


María Irene Fornés

Cecilia Character Analysis

One of Fefu’s friends, Cecilia used to be in a romantic relationship with Paula, but the two women haven’t stayed in touch in the aftermath of their breakup. Cecilia is less forthcoming about her emotions than Paula is, mainly listening as Paula talks about how much their relationship meant to her. However, in a gesture of tenderness after Paula starts crying in front of their friends, Cecilia kisses Paula, perhaps suggesting that their romantic relationship isn’t completely over after all.

Cecilia Quotes in Fefu and Her Friends

The Fefu and Her Friends quotes below are all either spoken by Cecilia or refer to Cecilia. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Abstract Representation and Interpretation Theme Icon
Part 2: In the Bedroom Quotes

PAULA: I felt small in your presence . . . I haven’t done all that I could have. All I wanted to do. Our lives have gone in such different directions I cannot help but review what those years have been for me. I gave up, almost gave up. I have missed you in my life. . . . I became lazy. I lost the drive. You abandoned me and I kept going. But after a while I didn’t know how to. I didn’t know how to go on. I knew why when I was with you. To give you pleasure. So we could laugh together. So we could rejoice together. To bring beauty to the world. . . . Now we look at each other like strangers. We are guarded. I speak and you don’t understand my words. I remember every day.

Related Characters: Paula (speaker), Cecilia
Page Number: 39-40
Explanation and Analysis:
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Cecilia Quotes in Fefu and Her Friends

The Fefu and Her Friends quotes below are all either spoken by Cecilia or refer to Cecilia. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Abstract Representation and Interpretation Theme Icon
Part 2: In the Bedroom Quotes

PAULA: I felt small in your presence . . . I haven’t done all that I could have. All I wanted to do. Our lives have gone in such different directions I cannot help but review what those years have been for me. I gave up, almost gave up. I have missed you in my life. . . . I became lazy. I lost the drive. You abandoned me and I kept going. But after a while I didn’t know how to. I didn’t know how to go on. I knew why when I was with you. To give you pleasure. So we could laugh together. So we could rejoice together. To bring beauty to the world. . . . Now we look at each other like strangers. We are guarded. I speak and you don’t understand my words. I remember every day.

Related Characters: Paula (speaker), Cecilia
Page Number: 39-40
Explanation and Analysis: