Fefu and Her Friends


María Irene Fornés

Emma Character Analysis

Emma is one of the women who visits Fefu’s house to plan a fundraiser. Trained in the theater, she is charismatic and eloquent, coaching the other women about how to present themselves during their speeches at the upcoming fundraiser. At one point, Emma rehearses what she’s going to say, quoting a famous education reformer named Emma Sheridan Fry and, in that way, hinting to the audience that the fundraiser has something to do with improving access to education.

Emma Quotes in Fefu and Her Friends

The Fefu and Her Friends quotes below are all either spoken by Emma or refer to Emma. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Abstract Representation and Interpretation Theme Icon
Part 2: On the Lawn Quotes

FEFU: […] I am in constant pain. I don’t want to give in to it. If I do I am afraid I will never recover. . . . It’s not physical, and it’s not sorrow. It’s very strange Emma, I can’t describe it, and it’s very frightening. . . . It is as if normally there is a lubricant . . . not in the body . . . a spiritual lubricant . . . it’s hard to describe . . . and without it, life is a nightmare, and everything is distorted.

Related Characters: Fefu (speaker), Emma
Page Number: 29
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3 Quotes

EMMA: After a few visits the psychiatrist said: Don’t you think you know me well enough now that you can tell me the truth about the paper? He almost drove her crazy. They just couldn’t believe she was so smart.

Related Characters: Emma (speaker)
Page Number: 56
Explanation and Analysis:
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Emma Quotes in Fefu and Her Friends

The Fefu and Her Friends quotes below are all either spoken by Emma or refer to Emma. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Abstract Representation and Interpretation Theme Icon
Part 2: On the Lawn Quotes

FEFU: […] I am in constant pain. I don’t want to give in to it. If I do I am afraid I will never recover. . . . It’s not physical, and it’s not sorrow. It’s very strange Emma, I can’t describe it, and it’s very frightening. . . . It is as if normally there is a lubricant . . . not in the body . . . a spiritual lubricant . . . it’s hard to describe . . . and without it, life is a nightmare, and everything is distorted.

Related Characters: Fefu (speaker), Emma
Page Number: 29
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3 Quotes

EMMA: After a few visits the psychiatrist said: Don’t you think you know me well enough now that you can tell me the truth about the paper? He almost drove her crazy. They just couldn’t believe she was so smart.

Related Characters: Emma (speaker)
Page Number: 56
Explanation and Analysis: