

Jorge Luis Borges

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Dr. Marcel Yarmolinsky Character Analysis

Dr. Marcel Yarmolinsky is a Talmudic scholar who is the first victim in the string of murders that takes pace in “Death and the Compass.” When Lönnrot investigates the murder, he finds a piece of paper in Yarmolinsky’s typewriter that reads: “The first letter of the Name has been spoken.” This causes Lönnrot to develop a complex theory about why Yarmolinsky was killed—a theory involving Talmudic interpretations. In the end, though, Red Scarlach (the murderer) tells him that Yarmonlinsky wrote this sentence himself before he died and that it had nothing to do with the murder.
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Dr. Marcel Yarmolinsky Character Timeline in Ficciones

The timeline below shows where the character Dr. Marcel Yarmolinsky appears in Ficciones. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
12. Death and the Compass
Investigation and Knowledge Theme Icon
Language and Human Consciousness Theme Icon
Perspective, Authorship, and Subjectivity Theme Icon
...who solves a series of crimes. The first crime happens at a hotel. Dr. Marcel Yarmolinsky is found stabbed in a hotel room. Lönnrot and Commissioner Treviranus investigate the crime. Treviranus... (full context)
Language and Human Consciousness Theme Icon
Reality vs. Illusion Theme Icon
Lönnrot takes Yarmolinsky’s books about Judaism home to study them. He becomes fascinated with the Jewish theories about... (full context)
Investigation and Knowledge Theme Icon
Perspective, Authorship, and Subjectivity Theme Icon
Infinity Theme Icon
Reality vs. Illusion Theme Icon
...of revenge—Lönnrot had arrested Scharlach’s brother. He also explains that he didn’t intend to kill Yarmolinsky—he only wanted to steal his jewels. The message in Yarmolinsky’s typewriter (“The first letter of... (full context)