

Jorge Luis Borges

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Erik Lönnrot Character Analysis

In “Death and the Compass,” Lönnrot is a detective. Lönnrot becomes obsessed with solving a series of murders, following mysterious clues that reference Judaism and Talmudic studies. However, in the end, the clues are a trap for Lönnrot. Having been drawn into his clutches, Lönnrot dies at the hands of his nemesis Red Scharlach. Before Scharlach shoots Lönnrot, Lönnrot indicates that he believes this encounter will happen over and over again as time repeats itself.

Erik Lönnrot Quotes in Ficciones

The Ficciones quotes below are all either spoken by Erik Lönnrot or refer to Erik Lönnrot. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Investigation and Knowledge Theme Icon
12. Death and the Compass Quotes

“The next time I kill you,” said Scharlach, “I promise you the labyrinth made of a single straight line which is invisible and everlasting.”

He stepped back a few paces. Then, very carefully, he fired.

Related Characters: Red Scharlach (speaker), Erik Lönnrot
Page Number: 141
Explanation and Analysis:
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Erik Lönnrot Quotes in Ficciones

The Ficciones quotes below are all either spoken by Erik Lönnrot or refer to Erik Lönnrot. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Investigation and Knowledge Theme Icon
12. Death and the Compass Quotes

“The next time I kill you,” said Scharlach, “I promise you the labyrinth made of a single straight line which is invisible and everlasting.”

He stepped back a few paces. Then, very carefully, he fired.

Related Characters: Red Scharlach (speaker), Erik Lönnrot
Page Number: 141
Explanation and Analysis: