Fiela’s Child


Dalene Matthee

Kristoffel Character Analysis

Kristoffel is the second-oldest son of Elias and Barta and eventually a “brother” to Benjamin. Like Willem, he is initially loyal to his father, but he grows increasingly estranged from him over the course of the novel, particularly after he finds out that his parents lied about Benjamin being “Lukas.”

Kristoffel Quotes in Fiela’s Child

The Fiela’s Child quotes below are all either spoken by Kristoffel or refer to Kristoffel. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 14 Quotes

‘I’m your pa! That’s who I am! Say it! Say who I am!’ He was as tough as a piece of ironwood. ‘Say who I am!’



For every answer he gave him a lash. ‘And who are you?’

‘Benja— Lukas.’

‘Lukas who?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘Lukas van Rooyen. Say it!’

‘Lukas van Rooyen.’

Related Characters: Benjamin (speaker), Elias (speaker), Fiela, Barta, Nina, The Magistrate, Lukas, Willem, Kristoffel
Page Number: 159
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Kristoffel Quotes in Fiela’s Child

The Fiela’s Child quotes below are all either spoken by Kristoffel or refer to Kristoffel. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 14 Quotes

‘I’m your pa! That’s who I am! Say it! Say who I am!’ He was as tough as a piece of ironwood. ‘Say who I am!’



For every answer he gave him a lash. ‘And who are you?’

‘Benja— Lukas.’

‘Lukas who?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘Lukas van Rooyen. Say it!’

‘Lukas van Rooyen.’

Related Characters: Benjamin (speaker), Elias (speaker), Fiela, Barta, Nina, The Magistrate, Lukas, Willem, Kristoffel
Page Number: 159
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