Fiela’s Child


Dalene Matthee

Miss Weatherbury Character Analysis

Miss Weatherbury is a relatively upper-class English woman who takes in Nina as a servant even after Nina’s habit of running away and shirking her duties at her previous gives her a bad reputation. Although most other employers run out of patience for Nina, Mis Weatherbury keeps accepting her back and treats her with respect.
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Miss Weatherbury Character Timeline in Fiela’s Child

The timeline below shows where the character Miss Weatherbury appears in Fiela’s Child. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 22
Race and Identity Theme Icon
Parenting Theme Icon
...he has seen her around with an English woman who might be her new employer, Miss Weatherbury . Benjamin goes to find Miss Weatherby and ask about Nina. Miss Weatherby says there... (full context)
Parenting Theme Icon
Humanity vs. Nature Theme Icon
Miss Weatherbury   tells Benjamin that she took Nina in because she took pity on her, but... (full context)
Parenting Theme Icon
Miss Weatherbury asks why Benjamin is looking for Nina. He explains that he has to collect her... (full context)
Race and Identity Theme Icon
...come in, which is an elaborate process that involves several people. Benjamin comes back to Miss Weatherbury and tells her about the ship. He finds that Nina is back. Nina begs Benjamin... (full context)
Chapter 23
Race and Identity Theme Icon
Humanity vs. Nature Theme Icon
Benjamin wants to go back to check on Nina at Miss Weatherbury ’s. Kaliel September accuses him of running back to the Forest. He warns Benjamin that... (full context)
Chapter 25
Race and Identity Theme Icon find her to try to get her to go back to the Forest or Miss Weatherbury . He asks around and finds a sailor who says he saw someone like Nina... (full context)
Race and Identity Theme Icon
Humanity vs. Nature Theme Icon
...mad at himself. He also scolds Nina, asking where she’s been. She says she left Miss Weatherbury when Benjamin asked her to deliver the news of Benjamin’s departure. In the Forest, Nina... (full context)
Race and Identity Theme Icon
Nina finally admits that while she left Miss Weatherbury , she eventually came back and is now a companion servant who eats at the... (full context)
Chapter 32
Race and Identity Theme Icon
Parenting Theme Icon
Justice Theme Icon
Humanity vs. Nature Theme Icon
...can re-join the crew, but Benjamin says he’ll need one more day off—he’s going to Miss Weatherbury ’s house (where Nina still works). Mr. Benn smiles and gives him permission to leave. (full context)