Freak the Mighty


Rodman Philbrick

Freak the Mighty: Chapter 18 Summary & Analysis

As the sun rises, Max waits for something to happen. He feels fuzzy. As he looks at Kenny, he thinks of the story about a giant who falls asleep and who gets tied up by little people. Finally, Max hears quick footsteps. Kenny wakes up and almost yanks Max out of the chair, but Loretta Lee glides in with a pizza box. She offers it to Kenny, and when Kenny asks where Iggy is, she says that he’s still asleep. Loretta wearing a long winter coat that looks new. She squints and smokes for a minute and then she asks Kenny why he can’t be nice—they had good times long ago. Kenny says those days are over, says the pizza won’t cut it, and asks for Iggy. Loretta shoots glances at Max but she agrees to fetch Iggy. She leaves.
The way that Max describes Loretta—particularly her new coat—indicates that Max is able to humanize Loretta. He knows that she’s not the enemy; she may be complicit but she’s also a victim like he is. Max is able to humanize her and not hate her exactly because he’s so kind and compassionate. When Max thinks of Gulliver’s Travels (the reference to the man tied up), it demonstrates that Max is starting to lean more through stories he’s read. This is preparation for eventually writing his own.
Kenny insists that they can’t eat food that Loretta touched, so they raid the old lady’s kitchen. Max eats cornflakes with water as Kenny says that this is temporary; they’ll head somewhere warm soon. He says that first, they’ll get a big RV and then paint “The Reverend Kenneth David Kane” on the side. Max will stand out front in a suit, collecting money. He says that people give money to a man of God, and people love stories about bad men who have redeemed themselves. When Max is done eating, Kenny ties him up again and he says it’ll be like this just until Max sees the light. With a grin, Kenny says that he’s the light.
Kenny’s description of where they’re going to go next again demonstrates Kenny’s grasp of how to manipulate people through storytelling. He knows that religion is a great way to sway people and to make them sympathize, so that’s how he’s going to frame his story. Knowing this, it’s likely that Kenny hasn’t actually found religion—it’s more likely that Kenny simply recognizes religion’s ability to give him power and influence over others.
Kenny flips on the TV but he just cusses at it, since there are only cartoons and Christmas specials on. He wants to see if they’re on the news, though he insists that Grim and Gram probably don’t know Max is missing since they don’t care. Just then, they see blue lights flashing outside and Kenny shoves Max to the floor. A few minutes later, Iggy sneaks in the back. He explains that the cops came to his house looking for Max. Kenny drapes an arm over Iggy, and Max notices that Iggy looks cold and frightened. Kenny asks if Iggy turned on him, but Iggy says it was the “crippled midget kid”: Loretta saw Freak in the cop car.
Though Max makes no comment about hearing that Freak is in the police car, knowing that Freak is part of the search effort likely reminds Max that he’s not alone. Clearly, Grim and Gram do care about him—they know he’s gone and they at least alerted Freak, if not the police. Knowing that he has a friend out there looking for him helps Max to see that he doesn’t have to take everything Kenny says as fact. He can instead focus on what Freak has taught him about friendship and memory.
Kenny thinks this is a weird story, but Iggy explains that Max and Freak stole Loretta’s purse. Kenny kneels down in front of Max and he asks for Max’s version of the story. Max just says that they didn’t steal Loretta’s purse. Iggy quickly says that Freak is Gwen’s son, but Kenny shoves Iggy down into a chair and he asks what they’re going to do now. Kenny tells Iggy to procure a gun and a car and then he sends him away. Then, Kenny takes Max’s rope and he tells him, “you can’t trust a cripple.”
Iggy may actually be doing Max a favor here by insisting that Max stole Loretta Lee’s purse. If Max did steal the purse (or if Kenny believes Iggy’s story), it would mean that Max is more like Kenny. This would definitely appeal to Kenny, as it would make converting Max to his side much easier.
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