Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Andrew Clements's Frindle. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Frindle: Introduction
Frindle: Plot Summary
Frindle: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Frindle: Themes
Frindle: Quotes
Frindle: Characters
Frindle: Symbols
Frindle: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Andrew Clements

Historical Context of Frindle
Other Books Related to Frindle
- Full Title: Frindle
- When Written: 1990-1996
- Where Written: New York, NY
- When Published: 1996
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Children's Fiction
- Setting: Westfield, New Hampshire
- Climax: The battle between Mrs. Granger and Nick ends with the inclusion of "frindle" in the dictionary
- Antagonist: Mrs. Granger, though this is revealed to be a role she chose to play, not something indicative of her true beliefs
- Point of View: Third person omniscient
Extra Credit for Frindle
Close, but not quite. Though Frindle states the story of Richard Daley creating the word "quiz" out of thin air as fact, in truth, the word had been around for about ten years before the origin story allegedly took place. The word likely originated as a slang word used by students, in much the same way that Nick creates "frindle."
Phoenix. Despite Frindle's popularity and the many smaller awards it won when it was first published, the novel didn't win any major awards for children's books. Because of this, in 2016 Frindle earned the Phoenix Award, which, according to the Children's Literature Association, "is intended to recognize books of high literary merit, which never won award at the time of publication, and which are still worthy of recognition."