Mrs. Chatham Quotes in Frindle
And the next day, all the fifth graders did it again, and so did a lot of other students—over two hundred kids.
Parents called to complain. The school bus drivers threatened to go on strike. And then the school board and the superintendent got involved.
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Get LitCharts A+Nick shook his head. "I can't, Dad. It won't work. It's a real word now. It used to be just mine, but not anymore."
What could she say, though? Mrs. Chatham couldn't very well keep the reporter away from Mrs. Granger because, after all, America is a free country with a free press.

Mrs. Chatham Quotes in Frindle
And the next day, all the fifth graders did it again, and so did a lot of other students—over two hundred kids.
Parents called to complain. The school bus drivers threatened to go on strike. And then the school board and the superintendent got involved.
Unlock explanations and citation info for this and every other Frindle quote.
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Get LitCharts A+Nick shook his head. "I can't, Dad. It won't work. It's a real word now. It used to be just mine, but not anymore."
What could she say, though? Mrs. Chatham couldn't very well keep the reporter away from Mrs. Granger because, after all, America is a free country with a free press.