

Satyajit Ray

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Themes and Colors
The Elusive Nature of Memory Theme Icon
Friendship Theme Icon
The Supernatural Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Fritz, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.

The Elusive Nature of Memory

“Fritz” explores the elusive nature of memory. The two main characters, Shankar and Jayanto, are on a trip together in Bundi, Rajasthan. Out of many possible destinations in the region, they have chosen Bundi because Jayanto had visited it as a child and wants to see how it compares to his childhood memories. While they are there, Jayanto is able to recall more and more about his time there, and the act of remembering becomes…

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Shankar and Jayanto’s relationship is central to the plot of “Fritz,” which illustrates the critical role that friendship plays in working through difficult memories and emotions. Shankar and Jayanto have known each other since childhood, and despite having pursued different career paths (one is a teacher, and the other works for a newspaper), the two remain close friends. The intimacy of their bond is illustrated throughout the story, mostly through Shankar’s many acts of…

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The Supernatural

Satyajit Ray’s literary works often incorporate elements of the supernatural, and “Fritz” is no different. In the story, the supernatural centers around Fritz, Jayanto’s old doll, and Ray uses Fritz to interrogate the relationship between memory and reality. Jayanto loved Fritz and played with him all the time. He even brought it with him on a family trip to Bundi where, unfortunately, it was destroyed by a couple of stray dogs. Because Fritz was…

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