Ghost Boys


Jewell Parker Rhodes

Kim Rogers Character Analysis

Kim Rogers, Jerome’s little sister, is an intelligent, curious, opinionated grade-schooler. Though Jerome sometimes finds his sister’s constant, curious questions annoying, he appreciates her belief in his potential and her decision not to tell their parents that bullies are targeting Jerome at school—both he and Kim believe their parents have enough to worry about already. Kim, who is much more popular than Jerome, is very happy when she meets Jerome’s new friend Carlos—but when Carlos offers to lend Jerome his toy gun, Kim disapproves, telling Jerome that the toy would make Ma, Pop, and Grandma upset. Nevertheless, Kim gives into Jerome’s tacit pleading and doesn’t tell on him after he agrees to take the toy gun from Jerome—a decision she deeply regrets after a police officer, Officer Moore, shoots Jerome to death upon mistaking the toy for a real firearm. After Jerome’s death, a guilt-stricken Carlos and a terrified, grieving Grandma begin walking Kim to and from school every day. Kim begins to look on Carlos as a new big brother, someone who cares for her and is capable of making her smile. She encourages Carlos to tell Grandma the truth about the toy gun and receives reassurance from Grandma after Grandma realizes Kim knew and didn’t tell about the toy gun. At the novel’s end, Kim is paying melancholy yet joyful homage to Jerome on the Day of the Dead with her own family and Carlos’s.

Kim Rogers Quotes in Ghost Boys

The Ghost Boys quotes below are all either spoken by Kim Rogers or refer to Kim Rogers. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Alive (p. 9–16) Quotes

Grandma dropped out of elementary school to care for her younger sisters. Ma and Pop finished high school. Me and Kim are supposed to go to college.

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Officer Moore, Grandma, Kim Rogers, Ma Rogers , Pop Rogers
Page Number: 13
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Ma always says, “In this neighborhood, getting a child to adulthood is perilous.”

I looked up the word. Perilous. “Risky, dangerous.”

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Ma Rogers (speaker), Officer Moore, Grandma, Kim Rogers, Pop Rogers
Page Number: 13
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Alive (p. 75–80) Quotes

I’m always good. (Teasing Kim doesn’t count.) I say what Grandma wants to hear. Calm her and Ma. Watch out for Kim. Play Minecraft for just an hour. (Okay, sometimes two.) Do my homework. Even act nice when Mr. Myers isn’t asking me (he’s asking the whole class!) to welcome the new kid. Sucker. That’s me. Why can’t I have some fun? Pretend I’m a rebel in Rogue One?

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Officer Moore, Carlos Rodríquez, Kim Rogers, Eddie, Mike, Snap, Mr. Myers
Related Symbols: Toy Gun
Page Number: 78
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Dead (p. 85–191) Quotes

“Can’t undo wrong. Can only do our best to make things right.”

Related Characters: Grandma (speaker), Jerome Rogers, Carlos Rodríquez, Kim Rogers
Related Symbols: Toy Gun
Page Number: 174
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Kim Rogers Quotes in Ghost Boys

The Ghost Boys quotes below are all either spoken by Kim Rogers or refer to Kim Rogers. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Alive (p. 9–16) Quotes

Grandma dropped out of elementary school to care for her younger sisters. Ma and Pop finished high school. Me and Kim are supposed to go to college.

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Officer Moore, Grandma, Kim Rogers, Ma Rogers , Pop Rogers
Page Number: 13
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Ma always says, “In this neighborhood, getting a child to adulthood is perilous.”

I looked up the word. Perilous. “Risky, dangerous.”

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Ma Rogers (speaker), Officer Moore, Grandma, Kim Rogers, Pop Rogers
Page Number: 13
Explanation and Analysis:
Alive (p. 75–80) Quotes

I’m always good. (Teasing Kim doesn’t count.) I say what Grandma wants to hear. Calm her and Ma. Watch out for Kim. Play Minecraft for just an hour. (Okay, sometimes two.) Do my homework. Even act nice when Mr. Myers isn’t asking me (he’s asking the whole class!) to welcome the new kid. Sucker. That’s me. Why can’t I have some fun? Pretend I’m a rebel in Rogue One?

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Officer Moore, Carlos Rodríquez, Kim Rogers, Eddie, Mike, Snap, Mr. Myers
Related Symbols: Toy Gun
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis:
Dead (p. 85–191) Quotes

“Can’t undo wrong. Can only do our best to make things right.”

Related Characters: Grandma (speaker), Jerome Rogers, Carlos Rodríquez, Kim Rogers
Related Symbols: Toy Gun
Page Number: 174
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