Ghost Boys


Jewell Parker Rhodes

Ma Rogers Character Analysis

Jerome and Kim’s mother, Ma is ambitious for her children’s education but also fearful for their safety in the dangerous, impoverished Chicago neighborhood where their family’s apartment is located. She works long hours as a receptionist at a Holiday Inn while Grandma babysits Jerome and Kim after school. After Jerome is killed by a police officer, Officer Moore, who mistakes the toy gun he’s holding for a real firearm, Ma is utterly devastated. Despite her strong religious faith, grief sends her into a numb, mechanical depression from which Jerome—haunting his family—fears she will never recover. Ultimately, however, emotional support from Grandma, Kim, and Jerome’s friend Carlos help Ma and Pop enter a healthier stage of grief.

Ma Rogers Quotes in Ghost Boys

The Ghost Boys quotes below are all either spoken by Ma Rogers or refer to Ma Rogers . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Alive (p. 9–16) Quotes

Grandma dropped out of elementary school to care for her younger sisters. Ma and Pop finished high school. Me and Kim are supposed to go to college.

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Officer Moore, Grandma, Kim Rogers, Ma Rogers , Pop Rogers
Page Number: 13
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Ma always says, “In this neighborhood, getting a child to adulthood is perilous.”

I looked up the word. Perilous. “Risky, dangerous.”

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Ma Rogers (speaker), Officer Moore, Grandma, Kim Rogers, Pop Rogers
Page Number: 13
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Dead (p. 21–31) Quotes

“Every goodbye ain’t gone,” Grandma says.

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Grandma (speaker), Ma Rogers , Reverend Thornton
Page Number: 24
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Ma Rogers Quotes in Ghost Boys

The Ghost Boys quotes below are all either spoken by Ma Rogers or refer to Ma Rogers . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Alive (p. 9–16) Quotes

Grandma dropped out of elementary school to care for her younger sisters. Ma and Pop finished high school. Me and Kim are supposed to go to college.

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Officer Moore, Grandma, Kim Rogers, Ma Rogers , Pop Rogers
Page Number: 13
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Ma always says, “In this neighborhood, getting a child to adulthood is perilous.”

I looked up the word. Perilous. “Risky, dangerous.”

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Ma Rogers (speaker), Officer Moore, Grandma, Kim Rogers, Pop Rogers
Page Number: 13
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Dead (p. 21–31) Quotes

“Every goodbye ain’t gone,” Grandma says.

Related Characters: Jerome Rogers (speaker), Grandma (speaker), Ma Rogers , Reverend Thornton
Page Number: 24
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