Good Country People


Flannery O’Connor

The Bible Salesman’s Valise Symbol Analysis

The Bible Salesman’s valise is not what it seems. Like the Bible Salesman, it presents an image of faith and morality, as it appears to be full of Bibles. But once he tricks Hulga up into the loft of the barn, Hulga sees that now there are only two Bibles in it. Not only that, but one of the Bibles is hollowed out and filled with a flask of whiskey, a box of condoms, and a set of pornographic playing cards. Instead of objects representing faith, the valise contains objects representing sin. It is the opposite of what it pretends to be. In this story, the valise functions as a symbol of hypocrisy. In the world O’Connor creates, it is the seemingly faithful who are the worst sinners, and the valise captures the idea that external appearances can be deceiving.

The Bible Salesman’s Valise Quotes in Good Country People

The Good Country People quotes below all refer to the symbol of The Bible Salesman’s Valise. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Good Country People Quotes

It was hollow and contained a pocket flask of whiskey, a pack of cards, and a small blue box with printing on it. He laid these out in front of her one at a time in an evenly-spaced row, like one presenting offerings at the shrine of a goddess. He put the blue box in her hand. THIS PRODUCT TO BE USED ONLY FOR THE PREVENTION OF DISEASE, she read, and dropped it . . . It was not an ordinary deck but one with an obscene picture on the back of each card.

Related Characters: Hulga Hopewell (Joy), The Bible Salesman
Related Symbols: The Bible Salesman’s Valise
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 289
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The Bible Salesman’s Valise Symbol Timeline in Good Country People

The timeline below shows where the symbol The Bible Salesman’s Valise appears in Good Country People. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Good Country People
...Salesman shows up at the Hopewell home, seeming earnest and well mannered, and carrying a valise full of Bibles. Mrs. Hopewell invites him inside, and he explains that he’s there to... (full context)
...but then The Bible Salesman appears. He is wearing a new hat and carrying his valise, which Hulga notes seems to be much less heavy today. (full context)
...immediately climbs up. She says he doesn’t need his Bibles, but he brings up the valise anyway. They kiss. When Hulga’s glasses get in the way, the Bible Salesman takes them... (full context)
The Bible Salesman then takes out one of his Bibles from his valise and opens it, revealing it to be hollowed out inside. It contains a flask of... (full context)
...the artificial leg and places it, along with the rest of his things, into his valise . As he descends from the loft, he tells Hulga that he has a whole... (full context)