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Hamnet: Themes
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Hamnet: Characters
Hamnet: Symbols
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Brief Biography of Maggie O'Farrell

Historical Context of Hamnet
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- Full Title: Hamnet: A Novel of the Plague
- When Written: Late 2010s
- Where Written: The United Kingdom
- When Published: 2020
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Novel, Historical Fiction, Biographical Fiction
- Setting: Stratford, England from the early 1580s to the early 1600s.
- Climax: Agnes watches a production of Hamlet at the Globe Theater in London.
- Antagonist: Death, trauma
- Point of View: Third Person
Extra Credit for Hamnet
BFFs. Hamnet and Judith Shakespeare are believed to have been named after one of William Shakespeare’s closest childhood friends, Hamnet Sadler, who married a woman named Judith. Sadler became a baker and he and his wife had 14 children, one of whom they named William. He and Shakespeare remained life-long friends, with Sadler serving as one of the witnesses to Shakespeare’s will.
Strategic Sheep. Hamnet hints that John Shakespeare fell afoul of the law by illegally trading in wool. Wool had been a key English product—especially for the export market—since the Middle Ages. And although the trade was in decline by the late 1500s, as English breeds began to face competition from continental sheep, it was still quite lucrative during Shakespeare’s lifetime. In the 1570s, an English law required all non-noblemen to wear a wool cap to church each week.