Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


J. K. Rowling

Fenrir Greyback Character Analysis

A werewolf and Death Eater. Unlike Lupin, who strives to overcome his disability and live a normal life, Greyback embraces his status and actively tries to bite children, attempting to create an army of werewolves who will fight against wizards. Although he’s a brutal and extremely unsympathetic character, his disaffection with the Wizarding world is at least partly a result of the stigma and prejudice that exists against werewolves.
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Fenrir Greyback Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The timeline below shows where the character Fenrir Greyback appears in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Six: Draco’s Detour
...shows him something. He warns Borgin not to sell the cabinet; a “family friend,” Fenrir Greyback, will be dropping by to ensure Borgin’s loyalty. Looking pleased, Draco breezes out of the... (full context)
Chapter Sixteen: A Very Frosty Christmas
...especially since one of the Dark Lord’s top associates is a deranged werewolf named Fenrir Greyback, who now kills for pleasure and specializes in biting children, in the hope of creating... (full context)
Chapter Seventeen: A Sluggish Memory
...updates her on the events of the holidays. When he mentions Lupin’s account of Fenrir Greyback, Hermione eagerly points out that they heard Draco using his name to threaten Borgin. Harry... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Lightning-Struck Tower
...at seeing Dumbledore so defenseless, but the headmaster greets them politely. Among them is Fenrir Greyback, and Dumbledore says he’s surprised to see that Draco invited such a bloodthirsty person to... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Flight of the Prince
...filled with dust and confusion and as Harry pushes through the fight he finds Fenrir Greyback tackling him, but manages to Stun the werewolf. Ahead of him, he sees Ginny fighting... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Phoenix Lament
...hospital wing. Although she reassures them that no one from their side has been killed, Greyback has bitten Bill. She says that they were helped by the Felix Felicis potion, which... (full context)
...face is maimed almost beyond recognition. Lupin says that Bill won’t become a werewolf since Greyback wasn’t transformed when biting him, but his wounds will be cursed and he might have... (full context)