Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


J. K. Rowling

A house-elf who once belonged to Sirius. While Harry feels no affection for the house-elf, who passed information about Sirius to the Death Eaters and helped bring about his death, he’s careful not to abuse his power over Kreacher, showing that his character isn’t swayed by the possession of power or material wealth.
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Kreacher Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The timeline below shows where the character Kreacher appears in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Three: Will and Won’t
...way to test Harry’s claim: with a flick of his wand, Dumbledore summons Sirius’s house-elf, Kreacher, who appears on the floor filthy and screeching his refusal to belong to Harry. Disgusted,... (full context)
When Harry orders Kreacher to shut up, the elf stops shouting, clearly against his will – his forced obedience... (full context)
Chapter Sixteen: A Very Frosty Christmas
...a pile of joke products from Fred and George, and a bag of maggots from Kreacher. They go down to breakfast, where the atmosphere is tense due to Mrs. Weasley’s and... (full context)
Chapter Nineteen: Elf Tails
...to tail Draco. Suddenly he remembers that he can do this – impulsively, he summons Kreacher. (full context)
Kreacher appears in the hospital wing in the midst of a fistfight with Dobby, who has... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-One: The Unknowable Room
When everyone has gone to bed except the trio, Kreacher and Dobby suddenly appear in the common room. Harry hasn’t told Hermione about his investigations,... (full context)
...why Draco is using it, so Harry releases the elves for now. Hermione kindly commends Kreacher on his work, but he calls her a Mudblood before disappearing. Hermione wonders why Draco... (full context)